Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday The 13th

Ah the ominous day!The number many people actually have phobias about!!
Well you can count me in.Today was no less fun though.
Deciding to go for a movie and getting that very idea approved by 10 people is no mean feat!Trust me I know.One minute we are deciding we will go on Friday the next its Saturday then its Sunday,Monday ,Tuesday.well you get the drift.This is not a joke.This really happened.
All the characters are NOT fictitious and any resemblance is purely deliberate.
Well here goes..
At 7.00 AM we are deciding when to go for the movie.
The next thing  I know that plan is cancelled.The plan is back on again at 10 and cancelled at 2.
But mysteriously at 2.45PM  we are on AGAIN!!!
You can guess that this is going to be one long piece of s***.
So one of my friends and me make a dash to the theatre ,at 3PM, which is at a distance of 15-20 minutes by train and then another 5-10 minutes by auto rickshaw.We are going to get 9 tickets for the 3.30 show for a movie which has released just today.The ridiculousness of the situation never ceases to amaze me.So we reach at 3.15 and stand in queue for the tickets.Then suddenly my friend realises we don't have enough money to buy tickets.It seems she thought I have money with me which I knew from the beginning that I didn't.So we wait it out in line till our turn comes and then after asking the price get out.It's already 4.15 till the others arrive at the theatre.So it is decided that we will go for the 5 o'clock show.This is met with disapproval from some in the group.By this time I just want to go home and cuddle in my bed and go to sleep forever.I am drenched in sweat even though it is monsoon.This is clearly a common oxymoron you will find in Mumbai.
Not to miss out on the adventures my friends had while we were waiting at the mall.
They left college at 3.15 when we should have been sitting in the comfortable theatre in the air conditioner.So then some of my friends decide to reach the venue by cab in this monsoon season then realize they will never make it for the rest of their life.This is what happens when you are stuck in traffic in Mumbai.
Then there are the other goof-ups where different auto rickshaws are chosen for travel amidst all the confusion.Apparently they didn't know who was going with whom and ended up calling more than 2 rickshaws.Then got down from one and got in the other.
But this particular quote from my friend stands out as the best of the day,"Why don't you ask the ticket seller to give you'll the tickets and pay the money later??"Really???
But in the end all this was totally worth it.We grabbed some cokes,french fries and burgers and settled down to watch the movie.After such a long gruelling day we made ourselves at home for the next two-and-a-half hours.The tickets were worthy of  being worshipped.
'Today we had fun'-this is clearly an understatement of the millennium.Believe me we had fun.
Oh by the way did I mention the movie was Cocktail?

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