Monday, 8 August 2011

I see red!!!

Anger management is what I need!!!
Blood boils, brain heating, top lid blowing off, steam through nose and ears......
Well you get the drift...
Why do some people get to you so much sometimes?I mean at some point the anger hormones just shoot through the roof...
Or is it my control slipping off?I don't think so:-(
Why people behave the way they do?Why be a dork if you can't handle the same behaviour with the opposite person?After all 'Do unto others as you would wish to be done by them' right?
Have you ever felt your ears going red, seething with so much anger that you are shaking,with so much rage that your vision is clouded with tears?
Is it these people who need a psychologist or is it me?Well one thing is for sure that I am the psychologist to treat them so I can't be the one:-P
Why people behave irrationally?Why even people who don't matter have a knack of irritating me and that too by their mere sight.(What a talent!).You don't even have to look at them but it looks like your world revolves  around them...
Even people who matter are not given so much attention I guess.Even sitting staring at the ceiling would yield something...but wasting time on them is an insult to intelligence.!
But I have learnt it is illegal to slap people let alone kill them.
And the most important question is-Why can't you accept your mistake?
Do you have to keep going like you are the Queen of the world?
Then there is the category of people who are proud of themselves for no reason at all....
Let me see-Have they invented something?NO.
Have they found out something the world doesn't know?NO.
Do they know something the world knows?NO.
Hmmphh-Blow your mind is more like it.

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